maybe-this-christmas_fundwerke_122016… obwohl es in der Paulskirche in Fürth gestern echt kalt war, fühle ich mich auch heute immer noch warm umarmt vom Konzert „Christmas With My Friend“ (Nils Landgren und Jonas, Knutson, Johan Norberg, Jeanette Köhn, Jessica Pilnäs, Sharon Dyall, Eva Kruse, Ida Sand) mit seiner ganz besonderen Stimmung … maybe there’ll be an open door …

maybe this Christmas will mean something more
maybe this year love will appear
deeper than ever before
and maybe forgiveness will ask us to call
someone we love
someone we’ve lost
for reasons we can’t quite recall
mmm, maybe this Christmas

maybe there’ll be an open door
maybe the star that shined before
will shine once more

maybe this Christmas will find us at last
in heaven, at peace
prayed for at least
with the love we’ve been shown in the past
maybe this Christmas
maybe this Christmas

maybe there’ll be an open door
maybe the star that shined before
will shine once more

maybe this Christmas will find us at last
in heaven, at peace
prayed for at least
with the love we’ve been shown in the past
maybe this Christmas
maybe this Christmas

Und als letztes Lied noch gemeinsam mit diesen tollen Musikern ohne Begleitung „Stille Nacht“ gesungen. Ganz besonders. Wunderbare zwei Stunden geschenkt bekommen an einem nicht gewöhnlichen Donnerstag, an dem andernorts so Vieles aus den Fugen gerät.

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